Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ Azərbaycan versiyası
Ali Evsen: "Each man bears obligation to society regardless of his or her post and profession. For people of different profession this obligation differs. The businessman also has certain obligation. The businessman’s obligation to society is not limited with timely and correct payment of taxes. The payment of taxes is the obligation before government. The obligation to society is carried out by fulfilling civic obligations and to be of use for society."

   The President of "EVSEN GROUP OF COMPANIES" Mr. Ali Evsen was born in Adana, Turkey in August 20, 1962. The secondary school he finished in a hometown, higher education he received in Azerbaijan. He graduated from faculty of law of Baku State University. During his education period he got closely attached to native Azerbaijan and its capital Baku.
   He had never felt himself far from motherland, so, getting closer acquainted with Baku and living among fraternal people he came to an idea to create a business unity in here. Manufacturing and trade enterprises set up by Mr. Ali Evsen play an important role in economic development of Azerbaijan. All above mentioned factors opened wide possibility for realization of this work. Mr. Evsen began his broad business activity in Azerbaijan in 1990 and since that time he has invested much capital into the state economics, provided thousands of people with work and led various charitable actions. Thus, he is one of the first owners who fastened his position in business development.
   Namely in his company were realized productive projects in the result of intensive and continuous work. A great number of innovations in business environment is connected with his name. One of the main stimulus that convinces and encourages person for creative actions is the love: love for Motherland, love for mother, love for people. Little soldier of Great Turkish world Mr. Evsen is a person really fond of Turkish people. He is a man really able to put off his own interests, off and to become a real civil servant for the sake of progress and development of our people. Mr. Evsen is well known as a person redeeming his pledges and directing his consciousness, mind and wisdom for the people and motherland.

   Dear colleagues!
   You just imagine that after long term of socialism aimed economy, when starting my activity, Azerbaijan won its independence and unexpectedly transferred to self-dependent economy. As a result of two economies to be different, they confused. Namely in this period I began my trade activity. It was my second reading of the book. The most important points I paid the special attention before earning money were the study of the best parts of the economics, precision, accuracy, and being relied upon. Being a globalizing group of companies in the period of trade development and improvement we are sincerely grateful and highly appreciate the prescient strategy of economical development and economical stability. Except for daily trade in Azerbaijan we established more continuous and social directed strategic spheres. Our company has created meaningful cooperation with more than 90 countries of the world based to the principles mentioned above.
Our Group of Companies invites you to lead joint diligent work, and challenges to apply potential existing in glorious Azerbaijan.

Best regards,
Ali Evsen

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