Azərbaycan versiyası English version
YEAR 1997. Star transport company expanded his activity to new Renault passenger buses. These new, modern buses were operated on main bus routes in the capital Baku city. We are determined to deliver the highest quality service possible in Baku. Customers and their experiences are at the heart of our service. All our customers, wherever they are in Baku, they are all equally important and no effort will be spared to ensure that all of the services we are trusted to deliver will be provided.

What role will you play in the economy of Azerbaijan?
Evsen Group is the first foreign company who invested the private capital to the economy of Azerbaijan. This was sufficiently resolute, confident and courageous step after independence from the Soviet Union.
Ali Evsen gave an interview to state TV channel of Turkey. Turkish businessman who is well known in Azerbaijan and Europe, the president of "EVSEN" Group of Companies, Ali Evsen has given an interview to TV channel "Ulke" of Turkey in recent days...
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